The vision for the Cultural Economics project (Cult/Econ)

For now, this is a small side project, where I've spent a few hours gather some of my favourite learning resources, and others I've come across to cover a few bases of what I'm calling traditional skills; something we as a society are fundamentally lacking.

Inspired by Permaculture, Doomer Optimism, Solarpunk, Retrosuburbia, this is a community resource built to support the learning and accessibility of important skills and crafts..

In the coming months, I will open-source the code, but for the time being, you can submit any useful resources or requests through this handy form.

Topics I'd like to eventually cover:

  1. Blacksmithing:
  2. Canning and Food Preservation:
  3. Natural Medicine and Herbalism:
  4. Handwriting and Calligraphy:
  5. Shoemaking and Leathercraft:
  6. Traditional Carpentry and Woodworking:
  7. Spinning and Weaving:
  8. Tinsmithing and Metalwork:
  9. Basic Sewing and Mending:
  10. Navigation and Orienteering:
  11. Traditional Cooking and Food Preparation:
  12. Pottery and Ceramics:
  13. Beekeeping:
  14. Fishing and Angling:
  15. Rope Making and Knotting:
  16. Traditional Music Instrument Crafting:
  17. Natural Building Techniques:
  18. Hunting and Trapping:
  19. Natural Fiber Crafts:
  20. Wood Carving:
  21. Metal Engraving:
  22. Quilting and Patchwork:
  23. Traditional Clothing Construction:
  24. Broom Making:

If you want to talk about Cultural Economics or anything else, you can find me on Twitter @slimgoober.